How to Clean and Maintain a Dirt Trap or Floor Mats


Dirt trapper or floor mats are specifically designed to accumulate all the dirt, debris and dust from your footwear, so visitors whether it be at your business place or home, don’t get a track of it within your space.

However, with all this heavy foot traffic, the dirt begins to build up over time and makes the mat supersaturated, such that it loses its ability to trap any of these particles anymore. Cleaning the dirt trap or floor mat hence, becomes absolutely crucial.

In this blog, we are going to give you tips on how you can ensure effective cleaning and maintenance of your dirt trap or floor mat. Let’s start!

Dirt Trap or Floor Mat Cleaning Tips

Although a dirt trap mat doesn’t have to be cleaned on a regular basis, it’s ability to trap all these particles makes it harder to clean than other carpet types. Here we tell you noteworthy methods with which you can clean them easily!

1. Machine Wash

When cleaning dirt trap mats, you can choose between two options. The first is to use a domestic or commercial grade washing machine depending on your needs and the second is to wash it with a hose and let the dirt trap or floor mat air dry. The most practical, easiest and low-budget option is definitely the latter.

Although, please do not forget to check the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions to determine if a machine wash is recommended for your dirt trap mat.

2. Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaner

Once again don’t forget to check if your floor mat is washable. Use specific vacuum cleaners such as ones used for commercial and industrial purposes to wash your floor mat. This is because these types of vacuum cleaners include a powerful motor that can easily pick up and collect dirt, dust and debris that is trapped and not easily visible.

At last, wet the carpet and leave it to dry.

3. Damp Mop or Wash Cloth

Some dirt trap or floor mats are rubber-based such as ones used in kitchens and bars. In order to clean these types, you need to mop or damp wipe them simultaneously. Don’t forget to check the manufacturer’s instructions to know which chemicals can be used to keep them free from rubber damage.

Here are some things to remember when washing dirt trap mats!

  • Wash the dirt trap or floor mat in a washing machine using a mild detergent with a temperature of not more than 60 degree celsius.
  • Make sure you do not use any fabric softener as this can affect the dirt trapping properties of the mat.
  • Since dirt trap mats have a thick material, it is recommended to loosely wrap the mat in an old pillowcase so that no undone lint clogs up the filter of your washing machine.
  • Ensure you either hang your dirt trap mat to dry after washing or use a tumble drier. In case you dry the mat naturally, gently stroke it with a brush after to fluff up the mat.
  • Completely dry the dirt trap or floor mat so that no moisture gets trapped between the floor and the rubber backing.

Maintenance of Dirt Trap or Floor Mats

1. Vacuum

In order to keep your dirt trap mats well-maintained, daily vacuum is enough especially for low to medium traffic areas. However, if you have heavy foot traffic, a deeper clean such as machine-washing, wet & dry vacuum cleaning as well as professional cleaning is required.

2. Shaking the Dirt Trap or Floor Mat

If you see light foot traffic, this is a great step in your daily maintenance and cleaning plan followed by vacuuming to give your dirt trap mat a refreshed and fuller, plusher look. Ensure you take the dirt trap or floor mat from your entry area into another area or a grass area so that you don’t risk leaving the debris on the outside of your apartment/building.

Why is a Professional Carpet Cleaning Key for Your Dirt Trap Mat?

Although, you can perform all the methods mentioned above perfectly, at home or do it yourself results don’t give your mat the good as new look. DIY also comes with the risk of damaging the fibres/rubber of your dirt trap or floor mats.

When you hire a professional like My Fair Cleaning, you get a deep-down spotless and superior extraction of dirt. Along with a thorough analysis of the best cleansers and wetting and drying methods that work wonders for your indoor mats.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! We hope our blog has given you some useful tips on cleaning and maintaining your dirt trap or floor mats and leaving them in great condition so you can make an amazing impression on any visitor in your home or office space!

Ali November 10, 2021 Carpet Cleaning

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